Here at Crochet Foundry, we LOVE working with all the talented crochet designers that we have the privilege to showcase in our magazine. In this Designer Interview series, we'll get to know some of this month's issue's designers. Today we're talking to crochet designer Jessica Dodson, who contributed the Looking Glass Throw crochet pattern in our November 2023 issue.
How did you learn to crochet?
I taught myself how to crochet from books while I was stationed in Alaska in the Air Force. I was 19 and living in the dorms on base. Everyone else in the dorms would go out Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, but I didn't have a car and had nowhere to go. So I taught myself to crochet to give myself purpose and stay occupied in the empty dorms.
Can you tell us a little bit about what inspired your design for this month?
I am always cold. I sit under blankets all year round. I wanted something that was not too heavy, but still provided warmth as the weather turns colder. Where I live, "fall" is more like winter as we have snow in October. I love the idea of watching the leaves turn colors through the windows, or watching the early snow, without having to be out in the cold. This blanket has "windows" to allow some of the fall crisp air through without the full effects of the cold. It allows a gentle connection to the season while also helping ease into the changes.

What were some challenges about designing this piece?
I wasn't sure how I wanted the windows to fall. I knew I didn't want the full blanket to be filet crochet as that would not keep in the warmth. I like symmetry, so I wanted to have a purpose to the blocks of filet crochet. I liked working it in a different direction than blankets are usually constructed. Rather than working bottom to top, it is essentially worked side to side. It is designed to be laid out kind of on its side, rather than the typical way a crocheted blanket looks. So you are looking at the stitches on their side rather than up and down. Just as trees change color and are seen in a different way, this blanket gets to shine at a little different angle than we are used to seeing.
What is your favorite crochet technique or stitch pattern?
What is your favorite crochet technique or stitch pattern?
I don't know if I have a favorite. I love exploring new techniques and patterns, but I also like those I can work while curled on the couch watching a movie or listening to an audio book. A "comfort" project. I do like the mixed cluster stitch and have used it in a few designs, but I also love trying different stitches and mixing them with another to create a different look.

How do you hold your crochet hook?
I hold my crochet hook like a knife. I have tried the pencil grip, but I have long fingers and for whatever reason the pencil grip does not do well for me.
What are a couple of fun facts about you?
What are a couple of fun facts about you?
I taught myself to crochet (as well as knitting and Tunisian crochet) from books. Before YouTube videos were easily accessible. I have also been teaching my children (4 children 11 and under) as well as my mom.
I crocheted (or knitted) while rocking all my children to sleep while they were tiny. The rhythmic movement of my arm seemed to soothe them to sleep.
In college, I worked at a facility that helped youth who struggled in the home. I worked in one of the boys' cottages. We taught them to crochet as a stress relief and a creative outlet. This was one of their favorite activities.
How can our readers find you on social media?
I am mostly active on Instagram, but do have a page on Facebook as well. I am @angelkissedfiberarts in both places. Social media is not my strong suit, but I do try to check in every day.
Are you a crochet designer (or would you like to be)? Crochet Foundry works with independent crochet designers to produce the gorgeous designs featured in our magazine. To find out more, visit our Submit a Design page and be sure to sign up for our Designer Email list to be notified of design opportunities.