Crochet Designer Interview: Emily Reiter's Last Best Headband

Crochet Designer Interview: Emily Reiter's Last Best Headband

Crochet Foundry LOVES working with all the talented crochet designers that we have the privilege to showcase in our magazine. In this Designer Interview series, we'll get to know some of this month's issue's designers. Today we're talking to Emily Reiter, who contributed the Last Best Headband, one of the Tunisian crochet patterns in our September 2023 issue.

Emily is also our Technical Editor, which means she helps make sure our patterns are accurate in math and instructions, as well as easy-to-read. Let's find out more about Emily!

Emily Reiter Crochet Designer

What's your name and brand (if you have one). 

Emily Reiter of Fiat Fiber Arts

What is your design for this month, and can you tell us a little bit about what inspired it? 

My design is the Last Best Headband. I love Tunisian crochet, and I love making small items that finish quickly. Plus, someone probably needed a headband because all others were lost and my natural recourse is to make a thing before buying it.  

Last Best Headband Tunisian Crochet Pattern

What were some challenges about designing this piece?

Getting the increases to look good was a challenge. Tunisian increases can't get stacked very symmetrically if you're placing them in the center. I tried side increases and increasing each row, or every other row. I finally figured on the alternating series that is in the pattern.  

What are a couple of fun facts about you? 
I have a BS and MS in Range and Wildlife Management.  I've killed a rattlesnake with a stick.  I've given birth to 5 children and 3 of those were without pain meds (two of those were at home).  
How can our readers find you?
Anything else you'd like to add? 
The "fiat" of Fiat Fiber Arts is in reference to the promise of Mary, the mother of Jesus, when she was told she would conceive the Son of God. She said "let it be done to me according to your word." It means that Mary said "yes" to following the will of God. One small way I can say "yes" to God is to use my talents to share God's beauty through clear and understandable patterns. The more people experience true beauty, the closer they will come to knowing and loving God. 

Are you a crochet designer (or would you like to be)? Crochet Foundry works with independent crochet designers to produce the gorgeous designs featured in our magazine. To find out more, visit our Submit a Design page and be sure to sign up for our Designer Email list to be notified of design opportunities.
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