August 2023 Magazine Cover Interview: Crochet Designer Brittany Sledge

August 2023 Magazine Cover Interview: Crochet Designer Brittany Sledge

Crochet Foundry wouldn’t be anything without all the talented crochet designers we work with in each issue! This month, we’re chatting with Brittany Sledge of JusBeeCreations, the designer of our August 2023 magazine cover garment, the Summer Blush Cardigan. 

Brittany Sledge, Crochet Designer

Hi Brittany! What was your inspiration for this design?

My Inspiration for the Summer Blush Lace Cardigan was quite simple. I wanted to create a piece that was beginner-friendly. The best thing about designing is that you can customize and really make the design exactly how you want. I love creating something that looks extremely challenging but in reality is easy to make! The stitch pattern for this design was open and airy with amazing drape. In this design you can easily customize the look. You can  add even more length, make it shorter, make your arm opening larger or a bit more snug. Whatever you decide it's guaranteed you will have confidence making it and wearing it. 

Summer Blush Cardigan by brittany sledge


Were there any challenges in creating this design?

One of the challenges for this design came at the end of creating the piece. I absolutely love any Lace design for a spring or summer make. The challenging part comes when you begin to seam. In all honesty, if I can avoid seaming I will, but if there is no way around seaming I guess I'll take one for the team!

I began seaming the left side first. Going across the top shoulder skipping over the armhole and working down the side. Great left side done, now to move on to the right side. Not bad right? Wrong! I did the exact same thing to the right side and realized that it was uneven. I think my eyes were playing tricks on me because everything lined up before I started seaming. So, I  attempted to undo the seaming. That made it worse because I had already woven in all my tails. It was just one thing after another! Challenges are supposed to happen at the beginning right?! I was able to think quickly and try to make it less noticeable. (FYI, Scissors are a definite no, no in this case. LoL) 

How did you learn to Crochet? 

I learned to crochet when I was about 10-11 years old. The only stitch pattern I knew how to work was the simple granny square. I started back crocheting in my teen years and learned about the other stitch patterns. So, I think it's safe to say I am definitely a self taught crocheter. 

Summer Blush Cardigan by Brittany sledge

What's your favorite crochet technique?

My favorite crochet technique would have to be ribbing! I am guilty of adding ribbing to almost all of my designs. It's just something about the look that makes me feel it's a must have when designing. Slip Stitch, Single Crochet, Half-Double, you name it all ribbing are a must for me.

When it comes to my favorite stitch pattern I have narrowed it down to two. The first is Extended Single Crochet. I just love how sturdy and elegant this stitch makes your design. It's the perfect stitch for adding drape to your project. The second would definitely be Half-Double Double Crochet stitch. This is a go to stitch when I'm looking to create a textured design. It adds texture without being too textured. ( If that's a thing! lol) No such thing as too much texture right? 

How do you hold your crochet hook?

When it comes to holding my crochet hook the struggle was definitely real when I first started crocheting. I'd watch video tutorials seeing how fast and smooth different designers would hold their hook working the stitches quickly. I thought it was impossible! So, I think I'm somewhere in between pencil and knife. My thumb and pointer finger do all the work.

Tell us some fun facts about you!

  1. I think it's safe to say I am an addict. I buy yarn when there's a sale, I buy yarn anytime I go to a craft store or grocery shopping. I have never driven by Michaels, Hobby Lobby, or Joanns without coming up with a reason to go inside. I think I literally have a yarn store in my house. I just can't resist. 
  2. I have Arthritis and Psoriasis. Arthritis makes it difficult to crochet for a long time and Psoriasis makes me self conscious about modeling my work. The crochet community is so uplifting and it warms my heart receiving all the love and positivity. It has definitely been a pleasure and so much fun. I absolutely love our crochet community!

Thank you so much for taking the time to talk with us, Brittany. We look forward to working with you again in the future!

Are you a crochet designer (or would you like to be)? Crochet Foundry works with independent crochet designers to produce the gorgeous designs featured in our magazine. To find out more, visit our Submit a Design page and be sure to sign up for our Designer Email list to be notified of design opportunities and receive our monthly newsletter full of tips, tricks, and more.

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